Benefits of Counting on Hospice to Care for Our Loved Ones

Sometimes, the words “hospice” or “palliative care” may have a negative connotation associated with them, as some people only relate the terms to death. The truth is, hospice is all about living — getting patients to live out their final days as comfortably, peacefully, and happily as possible. There are also a vast number of benefits for family members who trust hospice workers to care for their loved ones.

Some of the most significant benefits include:

Peace of Mind

Taking care of a loved one who’s near the end of life is tough work. From constant monitoring to doctor appointments, grocery runs, medication management, and treatments — the list and worries are endless! When you count on hospice, you are counting on a team of dedicated, experienced, and compassionate healthcare professionals who are there for your loved one — and you, allowing you to stop worrying and get some peace of mind knowing your loved one is being well taken care of. This leads us to..

Professional Care

As previously alluded to, hospice care means professional care. From physicians to physical therapists, clergy members, nurses, and other types of specialists, hospice patients are surrounded by top-notch care to ensure they are well taken care of and comfortable.  

No Repeated Doctor Visits

Driving a loved one with a terminal illness to doctor’s appointments is a full-time job, especially if they live in a rural area and need to see specialists miles and miles away. With hospice care, the care comes directly to the patient, allowing loved ones to keep their routines, jobs, and other personal obligations instead of having to drive their loved ones to doctor’s visits five days a week.

Spiritual Care

Hospice care is not all in-home clinical visits. It offers the tremendous benefit of providing spiritual care to the patient and their family — no matter their religion or spirituality. Hospice spiritual counselors study many different religions, cultures, and ways of spirituality. They offer active listening, reflective presence, and emotional and spiritual counseling, including any pertinent prayers or religious rituals. This care is crucial to helping loved ones navigate the often unchartered territory of hospice care and come to terms with their loved one’s life ending in the most productive and nurturing way.

Want to learn more about hospice and its benefits? Contact us today.

Need help? Contact us at Independence, MO (816) 401-9836 or Northwest (816) 505-5934.