National Caregivers Day

February 18 is National Caregivers Day, an important day to draw attention to the selfless work hospice and palliative caregivers do all over the nation. On average, caregivers spend 13 days per month on their duties, including laundry, house cleaning, transportation, giving medication, and grocery shopping or making meals, and six days per month on feeding, dressing, grooming, and bathing. 13 hours are spent on researching disease and care services, coordinating doctor check-ups and appointments, and managing finances.

February 18 is the best time for you to show some appreciation to the caregivers who help our most vulnerable citizens. But, it’s important to not forget about unpaid caregivers who make a big difference in the lives of all. The National Alliance for Caregiving reports that 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child in the past year.  

Here are some ways to show a little caregiver appreciation this National Caregivers Day:

The National Association for Home Care and Hospice is urging everyone to post on social media with the hashtag #nationalcaregiversday. Post stories, photos, and/or videos showing what makes the caregivers in your life so special. If you tag @OfficialNAHC in the posts, they will retweet them to amplify the message.

Some other ways to thank caregivers include:

  • Buying them lunch or coffee.
  • Gifting them something that encourages self-care, such as a book, a candle, an aromatherapy diffuser, bubble bath, a massage, a nail appointment, etc.
  • Gift cards to their favorite store(s) or restaurant(s).
  • Baked goods.
  • Cards expressing your appreciation.
  • Donation to a worthy cause in their name.

While it’s great that there is a National Caregivers Day, and we highly encourage people to show their appreciation on the third Friday of February, caregiving is a year-round job, and appreciation shouldn’t stop there. Showing your appreciation year-round — even with a simple “thank you” or card, will boost the spirit of these people who work tirelessly to provide high-quality care to your loved ones.

If you’re interested in learning more about hospice and palliative care, or you’d like to send a note of appreciation to one of our devoted staff members, contact us here.

Need help? Contact us at Independence, MO (816) 401-9836 or Northwest (816) 505-5934.